To me the most important things in life are good food and good conversation, preferably at the same time!

I don’t believe in false choices.

And yet life throws plenty of them our way:

Life vs work.

Being a mom vs “having it all”.

Spending time with the kids vs fitness goals.

Pleasure vs health…

But with a little creativity, why should we not be able to put it all together, “stack our lives” as Katy Bowman would say?

We just have to come from a place of abundance and nourishment, instead of scarcity and self-denial. You can simplify AND enrich your life all at the same time.

In my world growing constantly is an absolute necessity. An (occasional) glass of natural wine is always a fabulous idea.

Fretting over macronutrients is overrated and calorie-counting is a definite NO.

Fantasizing about dinner is totally reasonable.

Striving for deliciousness is a must.

But at the end of the day, connection is all that really matters.

When I die, I want to be remembered as a person who made up new questions when she didn’t like the answers.

And who inspired others to connect the dots and take charge of their lives too.