What’s the lowdown on dairy?

What’s the lowdown on dairy?

If you’re a little confused about whether dairy products should be part of a healthy diet, you’re not alone! It is because dairy happens to be one of those nutritional subjects that can become very divisive, depending on who’s talking. Mainstream dietary...
Is coffee good for me?

Is coffee good for me?

Nothing seems to get people as riled up as the question of their coffee consumption. When I talk to moms about incorporating healthier habits into their routine, this is one of the things that they get most defensive about. “You will pry my cup of joe from my...
September Roundup from The Omnivorist

September Roundup from The Omnivorist

Welcome to my first ever roundup of news, views and recipes that I usually share on social media — hope you’ll find something in here that will be of interest! If you’re too busy to read right now, you can use an app like Instapaper to read later on...
Is your breakfast costing you your health?

Is your breakfast costing you your health?

You may have seen the recent New York Times magazine article featuring what kids eat for breakfast around the world. I was so proud to see Turkey (my home country) being featured since well Turkish breakfast is one of those things that I think should be nominated for...