When in Rome…

When in Rome…

We had barely sat down to our first meal in Rome that all hell broke loose. Much like seeing family, no matter how far you've think you've come, how long you have lived away from them and established your independent self, seeing old girlfriends sets off a similar...

Carrot Coriander Soup

Carrot Coriander Soup

We had quite a sh#@ty summer in Paris where it rained pretty much non-stop for what seemed like four months. And then we got a break: a beautiful Indian summer that went on for weeks, a real luxury in our neck of the woods! It was already the first weekend in October...

Thoughts on baby-led weaning

I was so excited about my little guy starting solids and thought I knew exactly how I wanted to do it: the traditional real foods way. Then a friend gave me a copy of Baby-Led Weaning, the influential book by Gill Rapley, and said that it had worked great for their...

Who I am and why I’m here

Who I am and why I’m here

Upon finding out about my very international background, somebody recently asked me which culture I prefer: Turkey, my native country, the US, my home for some 15 years, or France, my current home. It is a question I don't usually ask myself since I probably praise...

Basic Beef Curry

This is another one of those basic recipes that lends itself well to being tinkered with. I have changed the meat from beef to veal or pork, or the veggies depending on the season (butternut squash in the colder months, eggplant in the summer for example) and the...

My Real Food Rules

I recently heard on Balanced Bites (one of my favorite health-themed podcasts) that adopting a new lifestyle and choices takes a good two years to really stick. That made complete sense to me. It was during my first pregnancy that I started to totally geek out on...

Baby’s first foods

I've had two close girlfriends who became mothers earlier this year and I had promised them that I would have this blog entry by the time they have to start introducing solids to their little ones. Well the first baby is 5.5 months old right now so I need to get to...

Slow Cooker Beef Chocolate Chili

I'd been eyeing a slow cooker for ages and when I recently joined the club of working mothers, I decided it was finally time to invest in one. I am still giddy about my purchase and have been slowly making my way down a long list of recipes that are adapted to my new...

Parsnip Cardamom Soup

Parsnip Cardamom Soup

Cardamom is one of those spices that I love having around. I'm a sucker for the light green color of the whole pods and the delicate aroma that goes so well with savory and sweet dishes. And since I don't always come across recipes that call for it, I jump at the...

Apple Butter (lacto-fermentation optional)

Apple Butter (lacto-fermentation optional)

This recipe is from Super Nutrition for Babies, The Right Way to Feed Your Baby for Optimal Health, which has been absolutely indispensable in my kitchen especially when introducing solids to my baby. This is a delicious and easy dessert for the whole family that is...

Chicken Livers with Onions

Chicken Livers with Onions

If you do an informal survey and ask people (especially the health-conscious) what they think the most nutrient-dense foods for humans on the planet is, you'll probably get something along the lines of kale, blueberries or beets. They are absolutely right that those...

Kidneys in Mustard Sauce

Kidneys in Mustard Sauce

Kidney gets a bad rap. It is actually quite mild in taste and when cooked properly, can be a real delicacy. This mustard sauce really lets them shine. For 2 people 300 g kidneys (veal, pork or lamb – I don’t prefer the strong odor of beef), deveined and cut into...

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